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Ph: +255 23 2334482/2334483, Email:

Research and Publications

Stella Maris Mtwara University College gives due importance of research and publication as a
significant academic activity; it encourages research as a core university undertaking among
faculty members.
The college identifies the need for research as a tool to address local, regional, national and even
international needs as we human beings share one planet. It engages approaches that involve
dialogue with stakeholders as these may lead to finding solution that address common issues and
people’s interests in the society.
The University encourages faculty members to engage in research and link with research partners
from all over the world so as to foster the spirit of cooperation with different partners. Some
academics succeed on this approach and thus establishing important links with partners in
addressing community needs.
The scholars at the college have researched in areas related to their fields of philosophy,
Geography, History, Sociology, Economics, Commerce and Business, Development Studies and
Laws, Chemistry. The objective has always been that of addressing community needs; that is
research for development.

Self Development

Why Choose STeMMUCo?

  • Increased personal competitiveness for employ-ability in National and International job markets
  • Build capacity for organizational development (in area of study) in achieving optimal performance, visibility, marketability, collaboration and effective corporate communication
  • Build personal capacity in research and consultancy in areas of specialization
  • Meet the over growing demands in areas of profession as provided by the programmes
  • Improved academic leadership , problem solving, management and planning skills in the respective sectors
  • Become future research oriented graduate in ones area of profession
  • Be competent professionals recognized for their specialized knowledge and serve the society


Self Development

  • Increased personal competitiveness for employ-ability in National and International job markets
  • Build capacity for organizational development (in area of study) in achieving optimal performance, visibility, marketability, collaboration and effective corporate communication
  • Build personal capacity in research and consultancy in areas of specialization
  • Meet the over growing demands in areas of profession as provided by the programmes
  • Improved academic leadership , problem solving, management and planning skills in the respective sectors
  • Become future research oriented graduate in ones area of profession
  • Be competent professionals recognized for their specialized knowledge and serve the society


STeMMUCo  foster spiritual growth by integrating faith-based teachings into the curriculum, offering regular prayer and meditation sessions, organizing community service and outreach programs, providing opportunities for deep discussions on ethics and values, hosting religious speakers and events, and encouraging students to explore their beliefs.

Faculty mentoring, chapel services, and incorporating spiritual perspectives into academic subjects contribute to a holistic education that nurtures students’ spiritual development and strengthens their connection to their faith.


The STeMMUCo Alumni Association is excited to announce the arrival of STeMMUCo Alumni Connect. This is a new community building platform for STeMMUCo’s alumni. It is the only place online where you can find, and connect with, all 10,000 STeMMUCo’s alumni. All alumni are automatically enrolled!